Python Fundamentals

Duration: 5 days – 35 hrs.


Python Basic Programming is a comprehensive program designed to provide learners with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of Python programming. This course is suitable for individuals with little or no prior programming experience. Throughout the course, students will learn essential syntax, data types, control structures, and key concepts of Python programming. By the end of the course, students will have acquired the necessary skills to write basic Python programs and understand the core principles of programming.



  • This course outline provides a comprehensive introduction to Python programming over the span of 6 days. Each session can include a mix of theory, practical exercises, and coding examples to reinforce the concepts taught. It is recommended that learners practice coding outside of the sessions to solidify their understanding and improve their programming skills.



  • Basic programmers

Pre- requisites  

  • Beginners programming level 

Course Content 

Day 1: Introduction to Python Basics

  • Introduction to programming and Python’s role
  • Setting up Python environment (interpreter, IDE)
  • Basic syntax: variables, data types, operators
  • Control structures: if statements, loops
  • Functions and modular programming
  • Input and output: working with user input and output


Day 2: Data Structures and File Handling

  • Lists, tuples, and dictionaries: creating and manipulating
  • List comprehensions and built-in functions
  • Sets and their applications
  • File handling: reading and writing files
  • Working with text files and CSV files


Day 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Introduction to object-oriented programming concepts
  • Defining classes and objects
  • Constructors, methods, and attributes
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Encapsulation and access modifiers


Day 4: Error Handling, Modules, and Libraries

  • Exception handling: try, except, finally blocks
  • Creating and using modules
  • Exploring Python’s standard libraries
  • Introduction to external libraries using pip
  • Practical examples with commonly used libraries (e.g., datetime, random) 

Day 5: Intermediate Topics and Project

  • List comprehensions and generators
  • Lambda functions and functional programming concepts
  • Decorators and their applications
  • Introduction to regular expressions
  • Working on a hands-on project that ties together concepts learned
  • Best practices for code organization, readability, and documentation


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