Mastery of Front-End Development and Basic JavaScript  


Duration: 7 days – 49 hrs



This comprehensive training program combines two vital components of modern web development: Mastery of Front-End Development and Basic JavaScript. Whether you’re an aspiring web developer or looking to enhance your skills, this course is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in front-end technologies and a solid understanding of JavaScript, the language that powers interactivity and dynamic content on the web.



  • Master Front-End Technologies: Understand and proficiently use HTML5 and CSS3 to create visually appealing and responsive web designs.
  • Build User-Friendly Websites: Create web pages that follow best practices in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, emphasizing accessibility and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Harness the Power of JavaScript: Gain a solid foundation in JavaScript, including its syntax, data types, and fundamental programming concepts.
  • Develop Interactive Web Applications: Utilize JavaScript to build dynamic and interactive web applications with the Document Object Model (DOM) and event handling.
  • Implement Asynchronous Techniques: Work with asynchronous JavaScript, including AJAX, to fetch data from servers and update web content dynamically.
  • Utilize Modern JavaScript Features: Explore the latest JavaScript ES6 features, including modules, error handling, and local storage for data persistence.
  • Hands-On Experience: Apply acquired skills by completing practical projects, including responsive websites and interactive web applications.
  • Prepare for Advanced Frameworks: Lay the groundwork for future learning in popular front-end frameworks such as React and Vue.
  • Troubleshoot and Debug: Develop the ability to diagnose and resolve issues within web pages and JavaScript applications.
  • Real-World Application: Gain the skills needed to excel in web development careers, including web design, front-end development, and user interface development.



  • Aspiring Web Developers: Individuals looking to start a career in web development, whether as web designers, front-end developers, or UI/UX designers.
  • Current Developers: Developers from other fields (e.g., backend developers) who want to expand their skills and become full-stack developers or specialize in front-end development.
  • UI/UX Designers: Design professionals who want to gain hands-on knowledge of how to transform their design concepts into functional web interfaces.
  • Students: College and university students pursuing degrees in computer science, information technology, or design who want to complement their education with practical skills in web development.
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Small business owners and entrepreneurs who aim to create and manage their websites or web applications.
  • Career Changers: Individuals transitioning into the tech industry or those considering a career change into web development or a related field.
  • Freelancers and Consultants: Self-employed professionals looking to expand their skill set and offer web development and design services.
  • IT and Tech Enthusiasts: Enthusiasts with a passion for technology and web development who want to turn their interest into practical skills.
  • Anyone Interested in Web Development: Individuals who have a general interest in building and designing websites and wish to explore the world of web development.


Pre- requisites 

  • No prior knowledge of front-end development or JavaScript is required. Basic computer skills and a willingness to learn are recommended.


Course Content


Day 1: Introduction to Front-End Development and Basic JavaScript

  • Overview of front-end development.
  • Introduction to HTML and CSS.
  • Setting up a development environment.
  • Basics of JavaScript: variables, data types, and operators.
  • Functions and control structures in JavaScript.


Day 2: Advanced JavaScript and Git Basics

  • Working with arrays and objects in JavaScript.
  • DOM manipulation and events.
  • Introduction to version control with Git.
  • Git fundamentals: cloning, committing, and branching.
  • Collaborative development with Git and GitHub.


Day 3: Introduction to React.js

  • Introduction to React.js and the virtual DOM.
  • Setting up a React development environment.
  • Building React components and JSX.
  • State and props in React.
  • Creating a simple React application.


Day 4: React.js – Advanced Concepts

  • Routing in React with React Router.
  • Managing state and lifecycle
  • Fetching data from APIs with React.
  • Styling in React applications (e.g., CSS Modules or Styled Components). 


Day 5: React.js – State Management and Testing

  • State management with Redux.
  • Building a Redux-based application.
  • Testing React components with Jest and React Testing Library.
  • Debugging React applications.


Day 6: Introduction to Node.js and TypeScript

  • Introduction to server-side development with Node.js.
  • Setting up a Node.js development environment.
  • Basics of TypeScript: types, interfaces, and classes.
  • Building a simple Node.js server.
  • Integrating TypeScript with Node.js.


Day 7: Full-Stack Integration and Final Projects

  • Creating a full-stack application by integrating React, Node.js, and a database (e.g., MongoDB).
  • Building RESTful APIs in Node.js.
  • Final project development: students work on their own projects, applying the knowledge gained during the course.
  • Deployment and best practices for React and Node.js applications.
  • Project presentations and peer reviews.

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